Stukey was the fruit of a competition that took place in our school where real famous company makers and institutions came to our class for a week and worked us through the process of company making courses, and the idea behind it was to teach us how we can be our own boss and create our buisness from scratch in one week. the competition was to work in teams on a certain idea that will to help students from our school in their daily life, my groupe choose me to be their leader and since I was into web development I proposed an idea that became << Stukey >> which is a mixte of two words "Student" and "Key", the idea behind it is a website that will be the key of the student to open the services that we offred in our website, the start point first was to create an internal social network for the school students to help comunicate easily with each others or with teachers but once we started working we had more ideas to offer such as forums for old students and carpooling services that will help students from the same city to come to school by one of the students cars, so by having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces each student's travel costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving. we also offred a restauration systeme that will save the students to walk each day to the cafeteria to get lunch. and the final thing we've add was a voluntears program to help foreign students in our school with administrative paper work.
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